the logo for david 's bistro is blue and gold on a white background .

Is This The End Of Fine Dining?

This was the question in a recent article in the Globe and Mail.It was in response to the news that Noma restaurant in Copenhagen, voted best in the world more than once, was closing. Not until 2024, so still time!  The reason?  The concept is not sustainable, even though you could pay up to $700.00 for lunch.  Not to take away (they don't do that) from the achievements they have made in reaching the pinnacle of culinary excellence but this is not fine dining as Ferrari is not a car.  This is once in a lifetime, depending on your finances, dining and to survive in this business you need customers more often than that.

That is why the bistro concept is our idea of fine dining. An owner operated place with a warm welcome, cool jazz, interesting affordable wines,attentive service and of course fabulous food.This is fine dining and we are not going anywhere and that's fine with us.

Natalie and David.

David & Natalie Chapman

Our Story

David’s Bistro was opened in 1998 by David Chapman. After being Chef, and then Chef Owner of Anthony’s Seafood Bistro for 18 years, David decided to start over again and open a traditional style French bistro with the emphasis on not just seafood, but all aspects of food. With a daily prix fixe menu, regular menu, and daily features, there is a constantly changing selection. An extensive and sensibly priced wine list, with chalkboard additions, and everything served by the glass or bottle, the wine lover is well taken care of. 

David and his daughter Natalie are your hosts, and look forward to your visit.

Dinner: Tuesday - Saturday: 5pm - 10pm

Lunch: Friday: 11:30pm - 2:30pm

Sunday: Pre-ordered set menu.
Delivery & Pickup

432 Richmond Street 
London Ontario N6A 3C9 

Phone: (519) 667-0535
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